Weekend Horoscope: Sudden Change

Aha Moments

The Full Moon in daring Aries joins with enlightening Uranus for an eye-opening weekend filled with sudden change and aha moments. This electric energy makes people unpredictable when it comes to their emotions. Expect the unexpected, stay flexible, and go with the flow! Here is your Weekend Horoscope.

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The Full Moon in your sign could spark an unexpected change of heart on a personal matter—even you might not see this one coming. You need to be true to yourself regardless of how it might impact others. Just know that you and a certain someone will not be in agreement.


Rest might be hard to come by because something in your subconscious wants to be acknowledged. Pay attention to your dreams and waking insights. Once you make peace with a startling self-discovery, your heart and mind will be at ease. You can’t afford to ignore your intuition.


Friends can be unpredictable, so it is best to be flexible when making plans to socialize. If you are intent on having things your way, then you are likely to encounter a conflict. You are more flexible than most people, so you might enjoy being taken for a wild ride.


Your Weekend Horoscope indicates that you could find yourself unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight. Even though you feel vulnerable or don’t believe that you are prepared, you may be called upon to put on a performance. Your ability to spontaneously get into the act could work to your benefit.


Whether you know it or not, adventure is on the agenda! You might take a spur-of-the-moment trip. Or you might decide to pursue an activity that is wildly different from what you would normally do. Don’t overthink it. Just go with whatever gives you the opportunity to experience something new.


Your Weekend Horoscope cautions you not to rely on other people, especially your mate. People have their own agenda and it is not likely to be one that you are expecting. The more independent you are (especially with money), the less likely the chances of you coming up short.


When it comes to other people, you can trust that they will do what you least expect, when you least expect it. You can get stubborn and dig in your heels, but it won’t turn things in your favor. Someone may feel the need to do something unexpected to get you to wake up.


You might feel stressed out over having to deal with a situation that is constantly changing. It can definitely ruin your sleep or wreck your peace of mind if you are expecting a certain matter to follow a logical course. Consider this an opportunity to strengthen your preparedness. Stay on your toes!


Romance is apt to be super unpredictable. In fact, your dating life is probably begging for a change. If you are coupled, plan an unusual outing. Single Sagittarians could benefit from dating against type. An eccentric person could shake things up in your life in a positive way.


Your Weekend Horoscope shows that life could get topsy-turvy at home. An unexpected situation could arise that upsets your tranquility. Or you might have to deal with the antics of a wacky roommate or relative. You can’t control what’s going on here, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!


The Full Moon joined with your ruler, Uranus, will bring sudden and enlightening insights. This is good time to share them on a website or with an online community. Find a way to connect with fellow eccentrics who are on your wavelength and can relate to what you have to say.


Money can come or go at moment’s notice. Fickleness or indecision could make it impossible for you to commit to a course of action. Important financial decisions are best postponed until a later date because there are too many variables to consider and you can’t manage all the moving parts.

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