Your Total Lunar Eclipse Horoscope

Your Total Lunar Eclipse Horoscope

The Total Lunar Eclipse and Your Sun Sign

We’ll experience a Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21 at 12:16 am ET. A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow completely covers the Moon. A Lunar Eclipse can only happen at the Full Moon because that’s when the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are in alignment, although not every Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse. Many astrologers refer to a Lunar Eclipse as a supercharged Full Moon, however, that may be a bit of a misnomer.

Want even more details about the Total Lunar Eclipse and your astrology? Call an astrology psychic today!

A Total Lunar Eclipse feels more intense and urgent because you’re unable to regulate your emotions and respond in the usual way, setting off an emotional crisis. Unexpected things can happen when you’re operating in the dark, and there’s usually an ending of some sort that you didn’t see coming. Because this is such an unpredictable time, it’s best to wait a few days before making big decisions or launching important projects. You can’t see the whole picture. Thus, you won’t know exactly what you’re setting into motion.

Unbridled Leo Energy

This Total Lunar Eclipse in fiery Leo is even more of a wild card because no planet influences it. Hence, its unbridled Leo energy will bring the drama in a big way! If you’re born within the first five days of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio, you’ll be most affected by this eclipse. Those born in the first five days of Aries or Sagittarius will get a jolt too, although you’ll find it much easier to integrate the changes that occur and work them in your favor. For everyone, extremes of behavior come into play during an eclipse. You’ll find out if you’ve been too much of a diva or, perhaps, not dramatic and expressive enough. Here’s what all the Sun signs can expect:


You want your love interest or children to acknowledge you as the king or queen. They may balk at your cry for adulation, especially if a busy social life has taken your time and attention away from them. Creativity suffers too when your friends become a distraction. It’s certainly time to get your priorities straight.


You work hard so that you can have a secure and happy home life, yet the attention you give to your personal life pales in comparison to what you give to your career. A lack of enthusiasm or beauty at home is a downer, but you can certainly turn it around.


A conversation could reveal that you’re completely out of touch. And while you may be well versed on what’s happening in the world at large, you’re blind to what’s happening in your own backyard. Take the time to talk to people and, more importantly, to look and listen.


Splurging on a luxury purchase or a special perk could spell trouble, especially if you’re relying on credit to foot the bill. Living like a king or queen may require working like a dog to afford it. Otherwise, you’re in danger of living well beyond your means.


It may be hard to define who you are outside the roles you play for others. Perhaps there’s been too much emphasis on relationships and not enough focus on personal development? If so, you might feel lost. This identity crisis is a call to set goals that have nothing to do with other people.


Your inner light may be hard to find, but it’s there so just keep looking. A workaholic lifestyle may have caused your inner fire to dim. Instead of doing more, do less and take time out for meditation or quiet contemplation.


A deficit in the friendship department could be the result of diva-like behavior alienating others. You may not have seen this coming if you were hyper-focused on your own interests instead of connecting to your pals in ways that express your care. Instead, be the friend you desire to have.


You could discover that you’re not the office star you thought you were. Maybe winning the rat race isn’t your priority? Or perhaps you’ve become too comfortable and didn’t notice that the competition was on your heels? If you’re in it to win it, get back in the game.


If you’re not feeling excited about life, it’s because your dreams have become too small. When was the last time you challenged yourself to venture beyond your comfort zone and try something new? Don’t let petty concerns and minor anxieties stop you from branching out.


A lack of support or meaningful connection might not be the fault of your partner or friend. A desire for control means that you do everything for yourself instead of allowing space for others to contribute to your life. People need to be needed. Can you let them help?


Your most important relationships suffer when you’re unaware of how your behavior affects others. You may have good reasons for putting yourself first, but you can’t expect people to be content to be pushed to the back burner. Self-care shouldn’t mean neglecting an important person in your life.


Your work and health can suffer when you don’t have your act together. When you lack a sensible, daily routine it creates room for chaos to reign. You don’t mind when life is disorderly, but the world doesn’t work that way. Get with the program, any program, and stick with it.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.

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