Different Aura Colors and Their Meanings

An image of a woman with dark skin and curly hair, which is tied up in a bun. Her eyes are closed in meditation and the different aura colors surround her: blue, purple, pink, green, and orange.

Your Aura and Energy

The color of someone’s aura, or personal energy field, can reveal how they’re feeling, what their energetic vibration is like, and how they move in the world. Just like the people they’re attached to, auras aren’t static. They can evolve over time as a person’s energetic vibration, intentions, or feelings change.

Aura color is easiest to detect when your eyes are relaxed. Brighter and more vibrant aura colors can indicate strong emotions or energies, or they can suggest that someone has lived a long time with the same feelings, energies, and intentions. Notably, historical depictions of auras can be found in art from all over the world, most commonly in images of saints, deities, and healers who have halos emanating from their heads and around their bodies.

Aura Colors and Their Meanings

Aura colors can range from anywhere between deep black to bright white, and people can have multicolored auras that reflect more than one energy, vibration, or intention. Below, let’s review each aura color and what it may reveal about its bearer. When reading about aura colors, remember that there is no such thing as a negative or bad aura color. Aura color alone does not indicate poor character, though some aura hues can reflect a need for healing and inner work.

Related: Can Your Aura Change?


The red aura is often associated with the Root Chakra, which is connected to the physical plane. Those with a red aura are typically fearless, bold, and passionate. Additionally, they tend to revel in the pleasures of the material world, possessing a love of adventure, physical activity, and excitement. If someone’s red aura is particularly bright, they’re likely confident and excitable. However, if the color of their aura is dark or cloudy, then they may be holding on to anger, trauma, frustration, or anxiety. In the latter case, they may benefit from channeling their physical prowess into an activity like yoga, which will help them release their excess energy.

Related: What Is The Meaning Of A Red Aura?


The orange aura isn’t too different from the red aura, energetically speaking. It is related to the Sacral Chakra, the energy center in the body that is responsible for sensuality, creativity, and emotion. People with an orange aura, like red, are physically attuned, confident, and passionate. However, people with an orange aura are more likely to be risk-takers. If operating on a lower vibration, they can also be prone to addiction, especially to habits that indulge their thrill-seeking inclinations. People with orange auras are typically gregarious and independent, so they could benefit from leading people through physical activities — perhaps in a workout class. Alternatively, they may enjoy DIY projects that channel their abundant energy outward.

Related: Orange Aura Color Meaning


Yellow auras can be likened to the energy source of the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the center of the body, just above the navel. The Solar Plexus Chakra rules your sense of personal power. Those with a yellow aura are typically bright in more ways than one. Exuding confidence and joy, these individuals are also intellectually apt. An especially brilliant yellow aura can indicate that someone has experienced a spiritual awakening or is on the path to ascension. These individuals are natural leaders who generally have a large social network thanks to their positive, warm, and motivational energy, which attracts people to them. People with a yellow aura may benefit from experimenting with deep meditation, as they are already on the path to ascension.

Related: Yellow Aura Meaning


Green auras resonate closely with the Heart Chakra, making these individuals loving, generous, and kind. People with this aura color are generally peaceful, calm, and healing. However, a dark or murky green aura can indicate that someone is holding on to feelings of jealousy, envy, or low self-worth. These individuals may also struggle with codependency, especially if their willingness to give to others supersedes their own needs. Guided meditation and journaling can be helpful to people with murky green auras, as it can recenter their energies and let them check in with themselves, re-energizing and protecting them emotionally.

Related: What Does An Emerald Green Aura Mean?


People with blue auras are excellent communicators and helpers, with many possessing a strong intuition. Due to their serene energy, others often turn to them for reassurance in a crisis. Blue is the color of the Throat Chakra, which rules self-expression. These individuals rely on their feelings and instincts more than facts and figures. Peaceful and positive, people with this aura color cherish their personal relationships but are equally comfortable with solitude, using their alone time to meditate and reflect. At its highest vibration, a blue aura can indicate clairvoyant or psychic ability. At a lower vibration, those with a murky blue aura may be unable to face the truth of something. These people can raise their vibration with a bit of self-reflection and meditation. By letting go of their desire to control what is out of their hands (that is, everything except their own energy, thoughts, and actions), a person with a murky blue aura can start to become their Highest Self.


The Third Eye Chakra, which is located above the eyebrows at the center of the forehead, is associated with the color indigo. People with indigo auras are deeply intuitive, inspired, and empathic. Like the red and orange auras, this aura color suggests bravery and fearlessness. However, those with indigo auras possess the ability of discernment and can recognize that thrill-seeking behavior is a short-term high. As such, they generally prefer challenging, time-consuming tasks, and they have the patience to work on self-actualization. Seeking peace and harmony above all things, people with indigo auras are guided by their moral integrity, and they use their intelligence to help others. Because they are open-minded, they accept people for who they are and do not shame others for their flaws, as they’d rather offer assistance instead.


Violet auras are associated with the Crown Chakra, which is located just above the head and connects people to the source. The source energy connects all living things, and people with this aura color are generally happy, powerful, and possessed with a sense of wholeness that goes beyond the physical realm. Violet auras usually belong to big-picture thinkers who are empathic, dreamy, and interested in humanitarian affairs. They are open about their feelings and thoughts, and they encourage others to share, heal, and ascend as well. These are visionaries with the highest intentions for all living beings, and they try to help create a more loving and just world.


White or rainbow-colored auras (because white is an amalgamation of all colors) are understood to be the highest vibrational energy there is. A white aura indicates that someone has ascended and is unencumbered by low self-worth, mistrust, anger, overindulgence, or ego. People with this aura color are motivated by the spiritual realm and pursue the highest good of the Universe. While these individuals are pure and transcendent, they are forgiving of other people’s faults and do not pass judgment. Instead, they see the best in everyone and work to uplift the people around them.


As mentioned earlier, there are no “good” or “bad” auras, just vibrations that may need to be addressed. People with this aura color are not evil, but they may be holding on to trauma, addiction, or pain that requires attention, healing, and care. A person with a black aura may have a blockage in their spiritual life force. They can release this with meditation, internal work, and help from high-vibrational healers. If someone you know has a black aura, they may be holding onto something that is hurting them. Getting rid of that blockage can help them restart their journey of ascension.

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10 thoughts on “Different Aura Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Charlette McCloud

    I never been hype or follow zodiacs. I am born 6/13/65 . I have always been a spriritul child, youth, teen, and now full grown adult. I am not your typical GEMINI if a person met me they would never see those signs. I know tendencies are there according to how I am supposed to be. I feel that I am in tune with myself so I show people who I am at all time. That never changes and is pretty consistent so therefore I accept people at face value where I meet them as well. That saying.”when a person shows you WHO they are, believe them” rings true for many. For me, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have not found my true purpose and its frustrating. Many things I am capable of doing very well BUT that one passion I know will bring me exuberant pleasure and financial security. Eveything I do revolves around writing. Even though we live in a worled of computer technology, I still surround myself with paper one way or another. What is up with this paper and writing utensils. I have been a teacher almost 20 years for infants up through teenagers. A recent life change concerning my mother, brought me back home tp PA after 28 years in my desired state of FL. I been home a year and have suffered from low self esteem, unemployment , and depression in this pandemic era. I have not stepped into a classroom, made a lesson plan, or taught one student. Until, the day my great nephew haed to do ZOOM home school on occasion. I was able to guide him through his virtual school along side his teacher. This was amazing and gave me a sense of hope that I still had that connection to the classroom, teaching, and children in another way. I dont know if teaching traditionally is has gone by the way side, but I feel this new ZOOM technology could be the new path of educational freedom and success . This down time is helping me to look inward, heal some childhood wounds, and see what new parts of myself I can share with the world. I sleep at night and have a violet auro around me so many times that I cannot sleep. I wake up and wonder what that is. Its a calming peaceful feeling when it happens like my ancestors are surrounging me and trying to guide me to my true path. I like the sence of calm and relaxation yet I still wait to see where it leads or is trying to show me? HELP me clarify

  2. Lisa

    I am Libra and I have definitely been wondering what my Aura Color is. Oct. 7th 1970 thank you for the explanation this is fascinating

    1. Moon

      you can get it read by someone who can read auras or even learn to read them yourself!

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