Your Daily Focus: June 6 – 12

Your Daily Focus: June 6-12 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

When I am not doing readings, I write and teach but it can be tricky to keep track of everything. Fortunately, a writer friend created an amazing planner that helps me to keep my deadlines and other important dates organized. Aside from the obvious use of the planner, she added quotes and affirmations for the week that have really resonated with me, and this week I am sharing some of them with you.

Whether it is a quote about going for what you want in life, or realizing that it’s okay to say no, this week’s Daily Focus will help you move forward on your path toward living a well-balanced week and future.

June 6

You are already miles ahead of the people who have yet to start. Take all the victories, wherever you find them.

We are often so focused on the obstacles in our paths that we neglect to see just how far we have come. Yes, there may be people who are further ahead than we are, but there are also people that haven’t had the courage to even start towards their goal. Take pride in what you have achieved and what you will still accomplish. Today’s word is Winner.

June 7

When Plan A falls apart, don’t forget that you have 25 more letters left.

Even our best plans can fall short or fall apart, and it is so easy to get discouraged and want to give up. Never forget that we learn what will work and what won’t when plans fail, and we are in a better position to redevelop a new plan that will work for us. We won’t run out of tries and options. Today’s word is Multiple.

June 8

“We’re all better off when we’re all better off.” Eric Lui and Nick Hanauer

Living a well-balanced life is more than just ensuring that we’re taking care of ourselves. It’s about making sure that the people and the environment around us is all right too. When everything is in harmony, our spirits are at peace, tasks are much easier to handle, and love replaces anxiety in our spaces. Today’s word is Opportunity.

June 9

Kindness doesn’t cost a thing. Sprinkle that stuff everywhere.

Kindness is a currency that we can give freely, knowing that when we do it enriches us as much as those we share it with. Small acts may seem insignificant to us, but to someone else it might be huge. Paying it forward is always a good plan. Today’s word is Goodwill.

June 10

When you know it’s okay to pivot, it’s easier to remain calm.

Obstacles and surprises often come out of nowhere, and when they do it is easy to lose our focus and grounding. The best way to deal with these issues is to realize that all it may take to continue forward is to allow for a small detour or pivot, and then navigate our way back to the original path. There is nothing better than looking back at how we handled a challenge and knowing that we kept our cool because we were able to be flexible. Today’s word is Shift.

June 11

Never underestimate the power of an awesome nap.

I often talk about the need to re-charge our batteries through activities that we love and by being around people that boost our energy, but there is nothing that can take the place of physical rest. Taking time to lay down and gift yourself with a cat nap is as much self-care as anything else that we can do for ourselves. Today, give yourself permission to take a break and recharge your body and soul in all ways available to you. Today’s word is Rest.

June 12

Be tough. Be Ambitious. It’s okay to know exactly what you want.

You don’t have to hide or keep secret what your goals are and how you plan on reaching them. Be bold in announcing these things along with who you are. Knowing where you are going and being determined to get there will help you navigate challenges that arise with greater success than those who are haphazardly making their way through. Today’s word is Purpose.

Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics can tell you where you’re headed. And if you don’t like where you’re headed, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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