Your Daily Focus: August 15 – 21

Your Daily Focus: August 15-21 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

I have found myself very busily tending my small garden the past few weeks. With the constant high temperatures, I have needed to be quite vigilant about making sure that my flowers are getting the right amount of water and sun, especially in the case of my potted plants. It can feel like a full time job just to make sure that they have what they need to thrive.

Taking time to figure out what we need in order to thrive can be as much of a challenge as figuring out what our plants need, maybe even harder as we are such complex beings. In this week’s Daily Focus, we look at the process of tending to ourselves with the same attention to detail and love that we give to other people, beings, and things in our lives.

August 15

“The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy.” Proverb

One way to nurture ourselves is to acknowledge the different ways our bodies rejuvenate and heal. We get so wrapped up in being serious adults that we forget the healing power of the simple things like play, laughter, and unadulterated joy. Our childhood selves had the answers, and it’s time to listen to them. Today’s word is Childlike.

August 16

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” Jean Shinoda Bolen

We all have hobbies or activities that were once major parts of who we were, but sometimes we put them on the back burners as we get older. Why do we ignore such intrinsic aspects of who we are and make us happy? Part of our self-care toolbox should be making time for activities and things that fill us with passion, happiness, and energy. Today’s word is Recreation.

August 17

“The new disease of our age is being OK doing everything at exactly the same time.” Nigel Cumberland

Stop the multitasking and enjoy being in the moment! I know that we all have a lot to do and the only way to get things done is to be doing two, three, or more tasks at the same time but we are doing ourselves a great disservice when we do. We stress ourselves out terribly and we often have to go back and redo tasks because they aren’t spot on, which only takes more of our precious time. Focus instead on one item at a time and you might find yourself less wilted at the end of the day. Today’s word is Focus.

August 18

“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” Etty Hillesum

Stop for a moment. Yes, right now. Take a breath and then take another. You have just added to your energy for the day! See how easy it is to recharge your batteries and do something wonderful for yourself? The next time you consciously do this, see where your thoughts take you when you are in between those breaths and set your direction from there. Today’s word is Moment.

August 19

“Every decision I make is right for me.” Louise Hay

Part of caring for ourselves is believing in our ability to make the best choices for our well-being. When we are second guessing everything we do we undermine the connection we have with our Higher Selves and that can lead to stagnation and dissatisfaction with life. Know that everyone is doing the best they can and that we are making the right choices for where we are in our growth. Today’s word is Faith.

August 20

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Anne Lamott

It is so easy to get overwhelmed with life! And even easier to feel as if we have to keep going at full tilt. Sometimes though, we need to disconnect and simply be. Put away the phone, walk away from the work you brought home, turn off the computer, TV, or whatever else keeps you tethered for 15 minutes, and revel in the peace that you find within yourself. You don’t have to aim for nothingness, just peace. Today’s word is Disconnect.

August 21

“Invent your world. Surround yourself with people, color, sounds, and work that nourish you.” Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

We create the world that we live in, so fill it with the things that make you smile and want to dance! Spend time with people that charge you up and make you laugh. Paint those walls the color of a sunrise and enjoy a meal that not only fills your belly but allows your heart to swell, too. Create your own masterpiece and live in it! Today’s word is Artist.

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