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Self-imposed restrictions, lack of progress, isolation, frustration, feeling stuck, and inaction.
Swords Suit Meaning
The Suit of Swords is associated with intellect, communication, logic, and cunning. Some cards in this suit deal with aspects of emotional distress. Swords represent the element of Air, and the Air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Both the Suit of Swords and the element of Air are concerned with truth and wisdom. Just as Air signs are nonjudgmental and constantly in pursuit of knowledge, the Swords are the cards that tell hardest truths. Depending on the deck, this suit could also be called Knives, Blades, or Spades to name a few.
General Meaning for the Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords indicates that this is not a good time to make important decisions, because your perception of the matter is skewed. You may feel trapped and unable to take positive action. It is possible that your own thoughts and perceptions are what is holding you in place, and what’s needed is a change of perspective. It could also be that you have been fooled by a person who is manipulating you or being dishonest. If you’re starting a new relationship or business venture, now is the time to make sure you have all the information before moving forward. It may indicate a need to change course completely.
Eight of Swords in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
You have been in a position where you felt voiceless, unappreciated, and stuck in the past. If you’re seeing the Eight of Swords in the past position, it’s an indication that you have made progress toward feeling more confident and capable. The sacrifices and changes you have made are paying off, and you’re on a path toward growth.
Eight of Swords in the Present/Today Meaning
If the Eight of Swords falls in the present position, it means that you are currently feeling trapped or stuck. It’s possible that this is your own doing, and that you’re standing in your own way. This card is a reminder that if you feel powerless, there are other options. It’s time to consider new alternatives and take power back for yourself.
Eight of Swords in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
Be wary of new ideas and ventures if you see the Eight of Swords in a reading. If you feel like you’re moving into a situation that could see you with less power or control, make sure you’re looking at all options. If there are other routes to your goal, consider them carefully. Shortcuts will not pay off here, make sure you take this time to put in the hard work and get all of the available information.
Love and Relationships Meaning for the Eight of Swords
Do you find yourself only going for a specific type, yet being let down over and over again? Maybe it’s time to step outside the confines of rigidity and try something new. The Eight of Swords is all about being stuck in a pattern that doesn’t allow for growth. Now is the time to push your own boundaries and try new things.
If you feel stuck in a relationship but find yourself resistant to leave because of fear or worry, remember it will always be the better choice to be alone than continually unhappy. If you feel like you don’t have any resources, know that there are always people and organizations who can help you. Sometimes asking for help is the hardest part, but the Eight of Swords is reminding you that change is needed for growth, and that something better awaits on the other side.
Career Meaning for the Eight of Swords
Free yourself of the notion that you are stuck doing work you don’t like. Allow yourself to see and explore the options. The Eight of Swords is telling you that you’re standing in your own way. Reevaluate your wants versus your needs, sometimes sacrifice is required to move forward. Don’t slack off or take shortcuts in work. It will be worth it to present something that truly represents your talents and abilities. If you can’t do your best work where you are, it may be time to leave.
Financial Meaning for the Eight of Swords
Seeking the help of a financial professional will help free you of the burdens of financial debt and help you get a new perspective. There are alternate paths out of every situation, and a lot of resources for dealing with financial distress. Make sure you’re also paying attention to your mental health, and don’t let your entire self-worth or identity be tied to money.
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