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Suspension, sacrifice, letting go, changing point of view, and being at a crossroads.
General Meaning for the Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is the number 12 card of the Major Arcana. It’s astrologically associated with Neptune, the planet representing dreams, idealism, and self-sacrifice. Having the Hanged Man appear in a reading can indicate a feeling of being restricted or stuck in life. He reminds us that when we feel this way, it’s important to get to the heart of the problem and work through it.
When the Hanged Man shows up in your reading, it indicates that you are at a crossroads. You may consider changing your point of view. Contemplate the positive effects of letting something lesser go in order to achieve something greater. Consider selflessness over selfishness to benefit others as well as yourself. Alternatively, if you feel pressure to make a decision or take action of some sort, it may be in your best interest to postpone it if possible. Take time to reflect on the situation to allow yourself time to come to a decision that works best for you and everyone involved.
The Hanged Man in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
When the Hanged Man appears in the past position in a reading, it represents something or multiple things that you gave up for the greater good. This was probably a sacrifice, but difficult as it may be to let go, it truly marks a moment of personal growth.
The Hanged Man in the Present/Today Meaning
The Hanged Man in the present position suggests that you’re facing a big decision in your life – perhaps considering leaving family and friends to pursue a career. This is not a decision to take lightly, so don’t rush. Consider all the options and possibilities, and if it’s the best move for you. The more weighty the decision, the more people it involves, the more time you should take to consider your options, if possible.
The Hanged Man in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
The Hanged Man in the future position reminds us that there will always be decisions to make. Work in the present on setting goals and achieving them. Staying motivated and making good choices every day will help you deal with future decisions with more surety.
Love and Relationships Meaning for the Hanged Man
Single or attached, in a love reading the Hanged Man suggests that you may need to give up some of your vision of the “perfect relationship” in order to have the perfect relationship. Giving up something, even an idea, is a sacrifice you can make to create a better outcome than you thought possible; you will likely experience personal and spiritual growth.
If you’re single and searching for love, the Hanged Man is there to remind you that although you may expect certain things in a relationship or in a potential partner, your expectations may get in the way of finding true happiness. Be willing to let relationships form in their own unique way instead of following a script or an ideal scenario.
If you’re in a relationship, the two of you may have to compromise in order to make the relationship work. One or both of you may have to set aside your egos to allow for a true, loving and spiritual connection. If your relationship has been a little rocky, the Hanged Man is asking you to hold off on making a rush decision to change things. Instead, pause, be open, and listen to your partner as well as your own inner voice. Then you can come to a conclusion that is best for all involved.
Career Meaning for the Hanged Man
As far as career choices, the Hanged Man suggests work that is of a charitable nature – working for a non-profit organization or perhaps a religious organization. Alternatively, you may choose to volunteer in your spare time, giving your extra time up for a worthy cause. If you’re looking for work or a promotion, chances are there’s a feeling of suspension or being put on hold. You may need to set aside some personal aspirations, such as a better salary or an improved location in order to take something that may be less desirable but will help you in the long-term.
Financial Meaning for the Hanged Man
In a financial reading, the Hanged Man suggests that you may have to put some personal wants and needs on hold in order to assess your financial situation. If you’ve been burning through your money, hold off on making purchases of any type while you get to the bottom of your situation. Gain perspective by looking at your spending. Form a budget and savings plan you can live with that will enhance your overall situation in time.
If your finances are all well and fine, consider sharing the wealth. Pick a favorite charity or cause and help them meet their goals. Even if you’re not flush with cash, a little goes a long way. Giving to others will help you add to your spiritual wealth.
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