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Hope, serenity, spirituality, inspiration, tranquility, optimism, and renewal.
General Meaning for the Star
The Star is the number 17 card of the Major Arcana and it’s astrologically associated with the sign of Aquarius. The Star brings inspiration and hope. You can be sure that seeing it in a reading is a sign that you are cared for and blessed by the Universe. As it follows the Tower on the “Fool’s Path” through the Major Arcana, you can be sure that though you have experienced a recent test of faith, you are now ready heal and recover. The Universe guides you along this transition allowing you to transform and embrace life again.
When the Star appears in a reading, you should feel inspired and be open to new experiences. It is a time of growth and expansion. The Star is also there to tell you that your path ahead should be calm and you’ll feel a sense of stability. Having faith in what the Universe has in store for you will point you towards a fruitful and happy future.
The Star in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
When the Star appears in the past position of a reading, you should be assured that a stressful period you’ve been through (physical or emotional) is now over, and your recovery can now begin.
The Star in the Present/Today Meaning
When the Star appears in the present position, you can sit back and relax. You should feel accomplished having reached a goal, and now you can reflect on your victory over this trying period.
The Star in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
If you’re worried about something presently, you could be suffering in silence, and perhaps unnecessarily. The Star card suggests that you let the Universe guide you to someone who can help and perhaps alleviate your fears. Go beyond your normal parameters and take some risks if you want, as long as they’re well thought out. In other words, you may take a chance and add a few higher risk/higher return stocks to your portfolio, but not putting everything you have at risk.
Love and Relationships Meaning for the Star
Single or attached, when the Star card appears in a love reading, it’s a sign of positive energy all around you. The Star offers a gift of inspiration that brings happiness and can restore your faith in love.
You’re in a place where you know yourself and the type of love you want, and the Star indicates this is a great time to meet someone. If you’re single, love could come knocking on your door at any minute. Your positive attitude will shine through and attract others towards the light of your inner star.
If you are in an established relationship, the Star is a good sign that things are just going to get better for you both. Your understanding, love, and respect for each other is going to get deeper, and you may be ready to move forward in your relationship as well. The Star may also indicate that if you’ve been going through a rough patch together, you’ve reached the end of that, and everything is going to be fine between the two of you now.
Career Meaning for the Star
It’s always uplifting to see the Star in a reading, but in a career reading, it indicates that you’re experiencing a great time in your professional life. You’re likely being lauded for your efforts and accomplishments. If you’re just branching out or starting over, the Star offers suggestions for careers in the fields of acting, artistry, life coaching, writer, yoga instructor, or counselling, to name a few. If you’re working for others, the Star card tells you that this is a great time to ask for that raise or promotion you’ve been wanting.
Also, if you’re looking to make a change in career, you’ll be drawn to work for more humanitarian-based organizations rather than companies that merely drive profit. You want to be part of a group that has a meaningful impact on others.
Financial Meaning for the Star
The Star in a money reading is an exciting indicator that you’re doing better financially than you could have ever imagined. Finally, you feel as though you can obtain anything you want and/or need in order to make a happy life, not just for you but your family as well. Things will continue to look up for you, as long as you maintain a reasonable outlook.
Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.
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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.
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