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Illusion, inspiration, hope, renewal, anxiety, insecurity, and the subconscious.
General Meaning of the Moon
The Star is the number 18 card of the Major Arcana and it’s astrologically associated with the sign of Pisces. In a reading, the Moon may suggest an illusion – where something is not quite as it appears. At another glance, the Moon is a highly spiritual card that can point us to psychic powers. In a reading its meaning will adapt itself to the particular situation at hand. Since it represents the subconscious mind, that situation may at times appear illusive to both the reader and even the person being read.
If you get the Moon in a reading, it indicates that now is a time when you should delve deep into your soul. Dig down and release any distant memories that may be at the root of current blocks, fears, and anxieties. Though you may not find all of your answers, the act of uncovering the roots will release their hold on you so they will no longer haunt you.
The Moon in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
When the Moon appears in the past position of a reading, this can be an indication that a past memory of a person, place, or thing may not be exactly as you remember. If the subject of something or someone from your past should resurface, be careful not to exaggerate or embellish the situation, as we humans tend to do.
The Moon in the Present/Today Meaning
The Moon in the present position may indicate a fear that something is happening or about to happen. Allow the Moon to shed some light on the situation so that you don’t have to be afraid of what you can’t see. Find clarity through the act of facing your fears.
The Moon in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
Surprisingly, when the Moon appears in the future part of a reading, it’s merely to be more mindful of living in the moment (aka the present). Save yourself from the stress and anxiety of staying stuck too long in the past or worrying about what’s to come. Consider it a friendly nudge from the Universe.
Love and Relationships Meaning for the Moon
The Moon is the card of illusion. Single or attached, The Moon in a love reading is asking you most to be yourself; let the other person see the authentic you. Also, The Moon asks us to see others as they are, not as you wish them to be. No one has to change who they are to find real love.
If you’re single and the Moon appears in your love reading, it’s telling you to stay true to yourself and you will find what and who you’re looking for. You are already enough. And if you’re attracted to someone, let that be enough and don’t try to change them. The Moon may also be an indication that you need to be wary of who you give your heart to, as not everyone may be as they seem.
If you’re in an established relationship, the Moon will highlight the natural state of the situation and shed light on an emotional issue. If you’re in a good place romantically, you’re likely a couple who treat each other as well or even better than a best friend. If you’ve run into some relationship difficulties, however, the Moon will focus on where you may be feeling unsure about everything. It’s not a great time to address the situation. First, take some space to gain some clarity.
Career Meaning for the Moon
When it comes to a business or career reading, the Moon warns that all may not be as it appears. Have you got all the information you need to make an informed decision? Is someone being forthcoming, or have they held back certain important details? Do your due diligence and know the facts before you fully commit.
The Moon in a career reading says that if you’re feeling unsure or wondering if you’re on the right path in a career goal or matter, seek guidance from someone who has performed in a similar situation. Let them light the way to your success but be aware that there are some things you will have to experience first-hand.
Financial Meaning for the Moon
In a financial reading, remember that the Moon often points to an illusion of some sort. Here, the Moon warns you to avoid signing an agreement at this time. If you’re thinking of making a major purchase or investment, make sure you have all of the facts first. The Moon can indicate that someone may be withholding important information, or that they have their own agenda in mind.
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