The Meaning of a Supermoon: A Guide To 2025 Supermoons

A bright Full Moon over a night sky

Appearing bigger, brighter, and more intense than a regular Full Moon, a Supermoon radiates a sense of power that’s nearly tangible. Here’s everything you need to know about Supermoons.

What Is a Supermoon?

American astrologer Richard Noelle originated the term “Supermoon,” which describes when the moon is at perigee — or closest to earth. The technical explanation for this phenomenon is that the moon orbits earth in an elliptical path rather than a perfect circle. It draws closer and moves farther away during its journey, reaching perigee when it is unusually close by (and “apogee” when it is unusually far).

There are around 12 or 13 lunar cycles per year, and of these, there are typically between two to four (occasionally even five) Supermoons annually.

The Spiritual Significance of a Supermoon

A Supermoon carries a profound spiritual impact. It affects the ocean’s tides more powerfully (resulting in what is known as a “king tide”) and will intensify energies on a spiritual level as well. Supermoons, while often associated with Full Moons, can actually be New Moons too. A New Moon, particularly a New Supermoon, is about new beginnings, and it’s a time to focus on manifesting what you want in your life. If you desire more fulfilling love or want greater financial blessings, set those intentions.

Meanwhile, a Full Supermoon can help activate deep intuition and bring out normally repressed feelings with an even deeper intensity. Some describe Full Supermoons as being like a blazing fire, empowering people to do things they’d never normally do.

A Full Supermoon is a wonderful time to release what no longer serves you. If you want to purge a bad habit or release negativity from your life, the Supermoon will assist you in doing just that.

The Supermoon in Astrology

Each Supermoon supercharges the qualities of the astrological sign it lands in, giving a greater power to the traits associated with each sign. As such, the Supermoon is thought to have deep, meaningful influence over behavior and emotion — and, if harnessed, can lead to greater wisdom and insight. For example, if it’s a Supermoon in Scorpio, it may intensify passion and intuition but also stubbornness and lack of compromise.

A Guide To Upcoming Supermoons

Four Supermoons grace earth’s sky in 2024. Two have already passed so far. 2024’s first Full Supermoon was on August 19 in Aquarius. It was also the Sturgeon Moon.

The second Full Supermoon was on September 17 (although some reports say September 18). It was in the sign of Pisces and occurred during the Harvest Moon — named due to the extra light that allowed farmers to harvest into the evening hours.

There are two 2024 Supermoons still to come. One will be on October 17 and will be 222,055 miles away — the closest Full Supermoon of 2024. It’s known as the Hunter’s Moon. It will be in Aries and will energize you to take the lead in many areas of your life, as well as release that which you no longer need to focus on.

The next will occur on November 15. It will be 224,853 miles away and is known as the Beaver Moon. The Full Beaver Supermoon will occur in Taurus and will invite you to take more pleasure in your life as you let go of that which makes you unhappy.

Supermoons in 2025

Most reports suggest that there will be three Full Supermoons in 2025, one less than in 2024. Their effects will, however, overlap and reflect the previous year’s Supermoons.

The First Supermoon of 2025

October 7 will be the Hunter’s Moon in Aries again. It is currently predicted to be a Full Supermoon, and it will come to a distance of about 224,599 miles away. This is a fantastic time to chase new goals and let go of old ones. Growth is waiting right around the corner.

The Second Supermoon of 2025

The next Full Supermoon of 2025 will occur on November 5. It is the Beaver Moon in Taurus, and it will come to a distance of about 221,817 miles away. It is expected to be the closest Full Supermoon in 2025. Being kind to yourself during this time is of paramount importance. Practice self-care.

The Third Supermoon of 2025

The third Supermoon of 2025 is expected to occur on December 4. This Full Moon is called the Cold Moon, and it will be in Gemini. This 2025 Supermoon will occur about 221,965 miles away. It will help with releasing old modes of thinking that no longer feel right, and it may inspire you to communicate more freely and open your mind to new ideas.

How To Use the Supermoon

There are many ways to work with the different influences of the lunar cycle, but Supermoons can empower your practices, whatever they may be. This is a wonderful time to meditate, do a ritual, and journal on your wants and needs.

For a New Supermoon, remember that this period is all about manifestation, so try cleansing your space with water rituals and setting intentions.

With a Full Supermoon, you will experience opportunities to release the past and let go of what no longer serves you. Write down something you want to let go of and tear it up, especially if you can do so under the light of the moon. This will help you purge this energy from your life.

Journal on the different Supermoons — and regular lunar cycles, taking note of what comes up for you.

The best way to learn how a Supermoon can affect your birth chart is to consult with an Astrology Psychic. By knowing the sign, house, and aspects that the Supermoon highlights for you personally, and by receiving perspective from an expert, you can make the most of the many opportunities offered by each of the Supermoons as they cycle through your life.

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