Look Back To Move Ahead

You may be pondering what lies ahead in your life and setting goals for the next few months – or even years. Yet before you set a plan for the future, maybe it’s time to take a good look at your past. Start by acknowledging all the goals you have achieved and the person you’ve become now.

We could all stand to improve on ourselves. In fatc, it’s an essential part of our humanity – but don’t lose sight of how far you’ve had to come to get where you are.

Ask yourself…
Where were you a year ago? Who has come into your life and enriched it? What are you most proud of? Where were you 5 and 10 years ago and what has changed? More importantly, how have you changed? The questions are deceptively simple. And “I haven’t changed” is not an acceptable answer. You have. It’s not possible to live life, to look and listen to the world around you and to take part in it, without letting it affect you. Your job now is to take stock of what you’ve done and who you are and give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished.

Life moves quickly. Even when daily life is at a crawl, the passage of time can take you unaware. And we don’t see even huge changes, maybe especially huge changes, when we’re in the midst of them. It’s up to your later self to look back and acknowledge progress.

Success in hiding
Challenges can look a lot like setbacks, and can even disguise themselves as regrets. Don’t be fooled. Even our greatest trials and grandest failures can spotlight hidden strengths. Say you’ve taken a pay cut or put on a few pounds. That doesn’t mean there’s no cause for commendation. If you’re supporting yourself despite a career change or tremendous responsibility, if you’re making efforts for your health when your schedule doesn’t allow it – you’re succeeding. And with what you’ve learned on the way, you’re on your way to greater success.

You may not be at your end goal yet, but chances are, you never will be. There will always be some way in which you’ll strive to be better. Remember, pessimism is easy. We’re imperfect creatures with a drive for perfection. It takes a little effort to realize that growth is difficult and see our strengths for what they are.

Groundwork for the future
There are a lot of reasons for giving ourselves props for years past year round, but taking time to celebrate your successes during the New Year is especially important. It helps you remind you of why resolutions are worth making – not because you need improvement but because you’re worth every effort to be the best you can be.

Do you need help taking stock of your life? Let a psychic help you in a reading today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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