Where Will You Be at Midnight?

New Year’s Eve is upon us and there’s no excuse for a humdrum evening.  Mated or dateless, homebody or night owl, we’ve got something for everyone who waited for the last minute to plan their year-end blast.

The un-party
If you’re still wondering what to do for New Years Eve, you’d better believe you’re not the only one.  Talk to your friends and find out who’s still noncommittal about their plans or resigned to staying in for the evening.  Then issue an informal invitation for drinks or a movie at your place.  The best parties are spontaneous; there are no expectations, and anything can happen.  Who knows? You might be in for an intimate gathering for conversation and board games… or a wild night out with an unexpected crowd.

The all-nighter
This all-night vigil will leave you bleary eyed-and bedraggled before it’s ended, but a sun rise on the New Year is more than worth the sleep deprivation.  If you’re in for the long haul, have a full selection of ideas on hand.  It’s too easy to slip into an early hours’ slump when you run out of options.  You don’t have to hire an event planner.  We’re talking late-night walks, games, toasts and music — nothing that requires much forethought.  The sleepless New Year is a classic tribute to playfulness, persistence and that inner child that still doesn’t want to go to bed.

The after brunch
Should you end your festivities early in the morning (or not end them at all), a mid-day awakening is sure to find you ravenous.  Make plans ahead of time to meet friends for brunch the next day.  Or, if you’re celebrating with a date this year, have a little something special ready to satiate your appetite for waffles and romance.  If you like, you can set a table the night before, complete with tablecloths and candles, and rope it off with streamers.  Anticipation will make the event momentous, and remind you that after the party you have a whole new year ahead of you.

The night out
Waiting until the last minute doesn’t have to leave you out in the cold.  After all, this one’s all about the eleventh hour!  Check out local listings for events, but your nearest major city is bound to have the biggest selection.  And don’t limit yourself to the obvious.  There’s bound to be no end of celebrations at bars, clubs and hotels, but bowling alleys, shopping centers and vineyards sponsor New Year’s events, too.  Be creative. Think about what you want this year, and make it happen!

The non New Year’s
If ball-dropping and booty-shaking isn’t your thing, a less traditional night out might be more your style.  If you’re ringing in the romance, pick a place and build an evening around it.  Take a late night drive to a scenic spot or stage a moonlit toast on the beach.  Another option to consider: there are a lot of establishments open late on the 31st, and not all of them dedicated to a countdown.  Look for late-night movies, night-skating or concerts, for example. They’re great for dates, and even better for meeting someone new.  And of course, you can always snuggle up at home and start the year off with some good, quiet, quality time.

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