
    Mercury Enters Taurus

    Mercury enters Taurus today (through June 12), which favors getting practical about what you want. Taurus is a pragmatic Earth sign, after all. It can help you take some small steps - or larger ones, if ... read more

    Return of Saturn

    Those born on the 8th of the month are ruled by the planet Saturn. Few of us embrace change or growth, so a Saturn transit is usually considered an unpleasant time. Yet, change is the only way to achieve ... read more

    Mercury Retrograde

    Retrograde Mercury strikes again! Yes, Mercury turns retrograde today through May 30, 2009, wreaking havoc on communications, paperwork and travel. This is especially true since Mercury is backtracking ... read more

    Venus Square Pluto

    Today's Venus-Pluto influence can evoke extreme intensity in relationships over the next day or two. You may find yourself overreacting to partnership problems, especially if you have Sun or Ascendant in ... read more

    May 2009 Forecast

    Passion is the theme for May as loving Venus and lusty Mars travel hand-in-hand through rambunctious Aries throughout the month. Not surprising, Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be especially ... read more
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