
    Attraction by Element

    Why does one person get your heart racing and another make you want to run? How can the same person cause you to melt while leaving your best friend cold? Attraction is a complicated thing - unless you ... read more

    The Year of the Ox

    Happy Chinese New Year! January 26, 2009 begins the celebration of the lunar year 4707, the year of the Earth Ox. This year, Chinese New Year starts with the new moon in Aquarius and lasts until February ... read more

    Aquarius and Jupiter

    Uniting together for a common goal is the theme of today's New Moon eclipse in Aquarius, a two-week influence. Aquarius rules friendship and brotherhood. It's the activist who fights for the rights of ... read more

    Venus Opposes Saturn

    Although today's Venus-Saturn opposition can make romance feel downright depressing, it's a good influence for taking a realistic look at your relationships - both past and present. Saturn will help ... read more

    Venus Conjunct Uranus

    Sexual chemistry revs up romance today as Venus conjuncts Uranus. It's all about spontaneity. Sudden attractions - and just as sudden breakups - are typical of this influence. Because it takes place in ... read more

    Aquarius Profile

    Is your inner rebel ready to rock 'n' roll? As the Sun transits through Aquarius from January 19 - February 18, 2009, you may find yourself ready to shake things up. With unconventional Uranus as its ... read more

    Moon in Sagittarius

    The Moon is in gregarious Sagittarius today, which casts an aura of optimism and fun over today's activities, especially if you're a Fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius). This influence can also prompt ... read more
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