
    Sun Trines Uranus

    The Sun trines Uranus today, which can help you discover innovative ideas and solutions in the unlikeliest of places. It's all about thinking outside the box. Seeking out unconventional people and ... read more

    Moon Aspects

    Emotional upheaval - and a possible breakthrough - are likely during today's Moon-Saturn-Uranus conflict. This especially applies to Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Look to see if you're stuck in a ... read more

    Seasonal Reformation

    The Moon in Aquarius heightens the urge for change when it collides with Scorpio influences today. It's a great motivating energy for reform, so look to see what needs to change in your life - and go for ... read more

    Saturn Opposes Uranus

    An explosive Saturn-Uranus opposition is sure to rattle some nerves. Saturn strives to maintain the status quo, while Uranus evokes rebellion and change. So between now and August 2010, when the two titans ... read more

    Mars Squares Neptune

    Taking action today may prove difficult as decisive Mars squares off against nebulous Neptune. If you're feeling a bit foggy about what to do, it may be best to postpone making major decisions until ... read more

    Neptune Goes Direct

    Watery Neptune, residing in Airy Aquarius since January of 1998, entered its retrograde period on May 26, 2008, and will break its backward spin in the same sign on November 2, 2008. The effects of the ... read more

    November Forecast

    Get ready for a wild ride as the planets evoke passion, freedom and revolution throughout November for all signs of the zodiac. From secrets and lies to politics and finances, your love life will be ... read more

    Mercury Trines Neptune

    Intuition and creativity are favored today as Mercury trines Neptune. The dance between the planet of talk and the planet of imagination can produce some fanciful - if not factual - communications. So ... read more
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