
    Mercury Turns Direct

    Relief is in sight for messed up communications when Mercury turns direct today. Over the past three weeks, you'll have collided with retrograde Mercury if you had to backtrack over plans, search ... read more

    Miracle of the Sun

    Marian apparitions - occurrences where people say they have witnessed the Virgin Mary - are recorded throughout history. One such famous mystery happened in Portugal on this day in 1917. Three shepherd ... read more

    Venus Squares Neptune

    Love collides with fantasy when Venus squares Neptune today, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. You'll need to remove the rose-colored glasses when meeting someone new. Even interactions ... read more

    Sex Appeal by Sign

    We all have our own ideas about which sign we're most attracted to. Maybe your high school boyfriend was a Gemini and you've been missing the twins ever since. Or your last ex was a Taurus, so you're dead ... read more

    Quarter Moon Struggle

    The First-Quarter Moon today evokes a power struggle between cooperation from Libra and ambition from Capricorn. In other words, it's about finding a balance between work and love. But even though it may ... read more

    Mercury and Jupiter

    Discussions get a boost when the Sun conjuncts Mercury today. Plus, an uplifting Jupiter influence evokes feelings of expansion, joy and optimism. Spiritual discussions, cultural endeavors and learning ... read more

    October Forecast

    Love and lust are the focus now as multiple planets make their way through twosome-oriented Libra and sexy Scorpio. To start off, the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Libra favor cooperation, negotiation and ... read more
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