
    A Double Trine!

    Both sexual sizzle and creative energy are amplified today, when loving Venus trines Uranus, the planet of romantic chemistry, and brainy Mercury trines Neptune, the planet of divine inspiration. Venus ... read more

    July Forecast

    Ah, July - the most patriotic and festive month of summer with its exploding fireworks, water fun, clear hot skies and laughter. In 2008, you can expect this and a fair amount of challenges with ... read more

    Uranus Retrograde

    Uranus, the planet of shocks, thrills and enlightenment, can produce some pandemonium in your life when it turns retrograde on June 26, 2008. It will stay there until Thanksgiving. Uranus is all about ... read more

    Mars Opposes Neptune

    Action-oriented Mars collides with dreamy Neptune today, which can be a motivation killer. This influence creates a tug-of-war between going for it and letting things slide. It's also the master of mixed ... read more

    Mercury Turns Direct!

    Hooray, Mercury turns direct today! That pesky retrograde influence that derailed your plans and messed with your travel arrangements over the past three weeks, is coming to an end. Meaning, you'll now be ... read more
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