Author California Psychics

Strengthen Your Intuition

Life is easier when we can rely on our intuition to help us make decisions large and small. But how do we learn to trust it? How can we rely on it when sometimes what we hear in our head sounds like it ... read more
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Do They Suck in Bed?

How can you tell if the person you've got your eye on will make a good lover? That depends on what you like! But the good news is, taste aside, you can tell if they'll be a universally bad one. Here are ... read more

The Art of Cuddling

From kittens and puppies to grown women and men, everyone loves a good cuddle. This style of warm embrace makes us feel a range of emotions, from safe to sensual. Whether you realize it or not, how ... read more

The Upper Hand in Love

When it comes to relationships, is it better to take charge or be taken care of? Finding the balance in love can sometimes feel like you're sitting on a see-saw together - where one of you is flying high ... read more
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