Lift Your Spirits

So, it's just one of those days, or weeks, when your spirits seem to be off kilter. Perhaps it's a reaction to something someone said or did, the morning news, the call you got from your lover - or maybe ... read more

Why Therapy?

So you called your psychic, or several psychics, hoping that they would see that dark cloud of unhappiness that's been shadowing you for a while now ... read more

Embrace a Tough Day

We all have those days when nothing seems to go right - your shirt rips as you rush to catch the train (which you miss), you then arrive at work late so you miss an important meeting. Later, you have to ... read more

Brush Off Negativity

When others are negative, it can rub off, stick to you, change your mood and even ruin your day. Yet there are times when our day forces us to deal with family members, coworkers and others in the world at ... read more

Discover Sacred Places

Since the Stone Age, humankind has honored Earth's places of power with carvings in stone (petroglyphs), rock and cave paintings, plus remarkable structures that mark sacred sites where even today we can ... read more
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