
    September 2009 Forecast

    Change is in the air. Again! The Saturn-Uranus opposition that sent us on a roller coaster ride last fall and earlier this year - especially in the crash-and-burn of financial institutions - returns for an ... read more

    Virgo Style

    Do you wonder what sign that well-tailored sexy Librarian across the room is? Probably a Virgo! Big spenders for quality who dismiss outlandish trends in favor of well-cut classics, the virgin swings ... read more

    Venus Enters Leo

    Romance roars into action as Venus transits through Leo the lion from August 26 through September 19, 2009. It's all about taking a chance on love and expressing what's in your heart. It's time to be ... read more

    Mars Enters Cancer

    Mighty Mars is likely to shake things up a bit when it enters emotional, protective Cancer on August 25, 2009. Many of us will experience a bit of anxiety on this day, as watery Cancer begins to cool the ... read more

    Poor Pluto!

    On this day in 2006, Pluto was demoted to "dwarf planet" status for not fitting the new planet criteria set up by the International Astronomic Union. Most astrologers, however, maintained Pluto's place - ... read more

    Sexy Virgo Guys

    Sensual, smart and a little mysterious, Virgo guys are some of the sexiest creatures on the planet. Richard Gere, Lance Armstrong, Hugh Grant, Keanu Reeves, Sean Connery, Charlie Sheen and Tommy Lee Jones ... read more

    Spotlight on Virgo

    Have you ever wondered what's really going on with the Virgo in your life? Alongside their helpfulness, perfectionism and wisdom, they often have an inner life that's hidden from others. They are ... read more

    The Lion’s Wardrobe

    If there's a sign with a penchant for panache, it's Leo. These scene-stealers are usually spotted in the latest fashions - or perfectly cut classics that display a bit of daring (after all, classic can ... read more

    Messages From Mediums

    The gift of being a Medium gives our psychics a fascinating look into the world of their callers. They can connect to the other side to bring you messages from loved ones passed, guides and guardians - ... read more
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