
    Moon in Aquarius

    Today's Moon in Aquarius energizes gatherings with friends and other group activities. This influence can also inspire your social consciousness, so perhaps it's time to get involved in your community, or ... read more

    Dog Days of Summer

    If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the start of the dog days of summer - literally! While most people think it's just a colloquialism, the term "dog days" was actually coined by the ... read more

    July 2009 Forecast

    The big cosmic event this month is Uranus turning retrograde on July 1, 2009 for five months. Uranus rules rebellion and change, while retrogrades illuminate your inner life. Put the two together, and ... read more

    Uranus Retrograde

    Are you ready to dance with your inner wild child? Uranus turning retrograde on July 1 for five months will liberate your rebellious nature so you can express your individuality. It's all about waking up ... read more

    Moon Ruler

    Sensitive Cancer is ruled by the moody Moon, which is said to represent the soul and the unconscious self. Always changing position and shape (much like human beings), the Moon is associated with ... read more
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