
    Mercury Squares Saturn

    Discussions may feel stilted today because of a Mercury-Saturn square. Saturn always slows things down, but you can use this serious, picky energy to take some time to evaluate your ideas and plans to make ... read more

    Tap Into Summer Harmony

    The promise of summer stretches out before you - a time to renew and be more in harmony with the world. The long days allow room for grace to flow into our lives, like the warm rays from the sun. We become ... read more

    Spotlight on Cancer

    The last days of June are heating up, and romance is (we hope) simmering as well. Some sexual sizzle is divine, but it's wise to remember that we're entering the time of Cancer, from June 21 through July ... read more

    Venus and Saturn Union

    Commitment is the theme for June 20 - 22, 2009 as serious Saturn forms a trine to loving Venus and lusty Mars. What's more, this influence takes place in Earth signs, which creates more stability between ... read more

    Retrograde Jupiter

    Do you need a spiritual realignment? From June 15 - October 12, 2009, Jupiter, the planet of spiritual beliefs, will be in retrograde. Because retrogrades beam a spotlight on your inner life, this is the ... read more

    Sun Squares Uranus

    Expect the unexpected during today's Sun-Uranus square. This chaotic influence can produce some brilliant ideas, but it can also derail communications and projects, especially for Gemini, Virgo, ... read more
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