
    Mercury Trines Neptune

    Brainy Mercury trines imaginative Neptune today. This influence can sharpen your intuition and connection to the universe, so pay attention to your gut feelings. It can also awaken your creativity, ... read more

    Sun to Libra

    Today the sun moves from virtuous (ahem) Virgo into balanced (ahem, again) Libra. Good-natured and adaptable by nature, people born under Libra rarely like to be alone... so much so that they always seem ... read more

    Libra Profile

    It's time for love! If you're suddenly in the mood for more romance in your life, it's because we're entering the time of Libra (September 22-October 21), when love is in the air. Ruled by Venus, the ... read more

    Harvest Moon in Pisces

    The Harvest (Full) Moon is all about gratitude. Traditionally, many cultures hold ceremonies that thank "the powers that be" for a successful harvest. What's more, the Moon is in Pisces today (until 2:39 ... read more

    Triple Sag Energy

    Moon in adventurous, optimistic Sagittarius today boosts your hope for the future and desire for fun. Sagittarius is all about envisioning what you want for your life, personally and professionally, ... read more

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