
    Mercury Enters Libra

    Flirting gets a big boost when Mercury enters Libra today (through November 3). It's time to get eloquent when emailing, texting or talking to your paramour (or potential paramour!). Libra is all about ... read more

    A Triple Hit

    Relationship commitment is the focus today as Venus conjuncts Saturn in Virgo. Definitely not the most romantic of influences, but it can lend strength to your relationship if you already have a solid ... read more

    Quarter Moon in Scorpio

    The Quarter Moon in Scorpio today amplifies sexual energy and is a great time for creative brainstorming. But it can also make you feel unusually restless, especially if you're a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or ... read more

    It’s Elemental

    Relationships formed between people who have the same element (earth, air, fire, water) usually meet on common ground. Fire with fire is bound to be smokin', earth with earth is sure to be steady, air with ... read more

    Venus Opposes Neptune

    Illusionary Neptune opposes Venus today, creating some confusion in relationships. Neptune rules fantasy, so you'll need to remove the rose-colored glasses when relating to your sweetie (or prospective ... read more

    August 2008 Forecast

    The New Moon in dramatic Leo on August 1, 2008 creates a fiery beginning to the month. It's all about romance, creativity and expressing what's in your heart. Mercury and Venus in Leo add to the passion, ... read more
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