Relationship Breakdown

You usually get a little warning before your car breaks down. A light comes on in the dashboard, you pull over to the side of the road and a repair guy comes along to fix things before too much damage has ... read more

Sweater Weather

It's getting to be that time of year. Your skin is chapped, your eyes are watery, and your nose and fingertips haven't been the appropriate color or temperature in weeks. Could there be anything more ... read more

Relationships and Luck

When you think about it, luck is a fascinating concept. Loosely, it dictates that if the universe favors you, or somehow stumble upon a sequence of randomly fortuitous events, you will join the legions of ... read more

Clear Out The Clutter

You've heard of spring cleaning, but anytime is a great time to clean out your relationship closet. Whether you realize it or not, people who aren't in your life anymore can still be affecting you on a ... read more
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