It’s Cleanup Time!

At one time or another, most of us have watched a friend or family member subsist on nothing but lemonade and cayenne pepper. You might have even tried a cleanse diet yourself. They go by many names and ... read more

Head-Heart Harmony

When your head and your heart are at war, which one do you follow? This may have stumped songwriters and philosophers for centuries, but don't let that get to you. The answer is easy - both of them, of ... read more

Mind-Body Connection

Many decades ago, we believed that the mind and the body were separate entities. It's no surprise that today we know better. The lines between spirituality and science are finally blurring, and scientists ... read more

Don’t Be Nice

Do you find it difficult to say no? Do you have a fear of displeasing others? Do you have trouble expressing your true feelings? Do you use a sweet syrupy voice when asking for something? Basically - are ... read more
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