Rebirth and Wonder

The winter solstice is not only a pagan holiday or an alternative to Christmas, it's a planetary event that impacts the world around us, both our cultural and religious traditions, our perceptions and our ... read more

Winter Wellness

Beware folks,when the cold and flu season is upon us. And once we get sick, there are no proven cures other than time. But this year let's make a pact: Let's kill the bugs before they have a chance and ... read more

De-Stress in 30 Seconds

Winter. It's at this time of year when many of us wish we could just hunker down on the couch and hibernate until the first crocuses burst from the earth, the heralds of spring. But you don't have to wait ... read more

Enhance Your Creativity

Why not plan to take 20 minutes at a gallery or at a coffee shop every week to enhance your creative mind? Treating yourself like an artist - not just a taskmaster - can add so much joy to your life, no ... read more

A Healthy Holiday

From excessive celebration to sleep deprivation, the holidays can take their toll on your body. But you don't have to be resigned to starting the New Year with a winter cold and five extra pounds. Follow ... read more

Resolution Rehab

Remember those resolutions you made in the hangover haze of New Year's champagne? If you haven't forgotten what you vowed to accomplish, it's not too late to kick-start your plan. You'll feel better about ... read more
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