Take a Cue From The Guys

Men and women spend so much time trying to bridge the gap between their differences, they don't take the time to figure what they can learn from those differences. Here are three things women can learn ... read more

Womanly Wisdom

In Greek society, Hecate was known as the goddess of the crossroads. She was considered an underworld goddess, guarding the boundary between life and death -- between the world of the living and the world ... read more

Get Some Sleep!

Sleep. We need it in order to function optimally when we're awake. Yet somehow, when life gets busy, sleep is one of the first things we sacrifice. We tell ourselves that we'll make up for it tomorrow or ... read more

Get Centered on the Go!

Stress doesn't always hit when it's convenient. In fact, more often than not, panic, jitters, fear -whatever form your stress takes at any given moment - comes on just when you need it the least. Yet, ... read more

Chinese Secrets

Health is something we all take for granted - until we lose it! Whether it's to a common cold or something far more serious, it usually takes illness to acknowledge how important physical well-being is in ... read more

Bring Out The Huntress

Diana, Roman goddess of the hunt, fertility and childbirth, bears all the qualities of the prehistoric mother goddess from whom she may have originated -- strong, independent, adventurous, creative, ... read more
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