Tap Into Tara

Her name has many forms, and her influence spans continents. In Tibet she is "she who saves;" in Sanskrit, "star." Tara is known among the druids, the Finnish and the tribal peoples of South America, but ... read more

Bringing Home the Bacon

Saving money can be a difficult task. After paying bills, buying nutritious organic food and getting a full tank of gas, what's left? Sigh. And yet according to MSN Money, we shouldn't blame our savings ... read more

Channel Your Inner Lilith

Lilith is a strong and sexual female archetype, who unfortunately (but not surprisingly) has gotten a bad rap throughout the ages. That's when happens when a patriarchal society and a threatening female ... read more

Wedding Resistant

Some people aren't anti-marriage, they just aren't ready for it. Other people don't want to get married - ever. But what happens when those people fall in love with marriage-minded partners?
... read more
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