Break Those Bad Habits!

Whether it's smoking a pack a day, cursing too much or overeating, everyone seems to have a nasty little habit. Follow these practical steps for breaking bad habits and you'll be living a happier, ... read more

Take The Next Step

Whether you're considering a second date or a second honeymoon, moving forward is a big risk. If you carefully examine your motivations, set realistic expectations and weigh sacrifices with gains, you'll ... read more

Neptune in Your Chart

Neptune is the god who ruled the oceans and its mysterious depths. It's also responsible for our connection to mysticism, dreams, illusions and addictions. Like the oceans, this planet's influence is ... read more

Goddess Oya

When you're feeling like you're on the losing end of a situation, when you're feeling too settled and stuck, when you need a release of your purest female energies, you need a lift from Oya, (pronounced ... read more

Maintain Your Motivation

Things had been going just fine, percolating along... and then they're not! Suddenly, you're feeling like your couch has grown its own gravitational field, and you just can't move. What do you do? ... read more
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