Maintain Your Motivation

Things had been going just fine, percolating along... and then they're not! Suddenly, you're feeling like your couch has grown its own gravitational field, and you just can't move. What do you do? ... read more

Feng Shui For Simplicity

Feng Shui is a holistic and metaphysical study of self and environment. Simplicity comes with the territory, as does neatness and clarity. One way to achieve this in your life is to remember that less is ... read more

How to Say No

Your eyes are swollen, almost shut, your nose is red and white streaks stain your cheeks where you've let the tears flow freely - because you didn't have the energy to wipe them. And for what? You're ... read more

Tarot: The Devil

Oftentimes we make decisions that are not based on our own highest good. There are many factors that can motivate us. Lust, greed, the desire for immediate gratification - all of these feelings (and more) ... read more

Coping With Loneliness

Loneliness is one of the most heartrending conditions we experience. It leaves us feeling hopeless, desperate, and like we've been hung out to dry. Whether the loneliness we're experiencing is after a ... read more

Invite More Laughter In

A chortle, a chuckle, a delirious giggle-fit or a sidesplitting spell of laughter is sometimes all we need to make our day. It might be dangerous to say we could never laugh too much (because we ... read more
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