Sex-Only Relationships

You say you want a sex-only relationship, a friend with whom you share those very special "benefits." It sounds great in theory, but can it actually work out? In reality, is it possible to separate our ... read more

Commitment Issues Arise

Today's emotionally challenging Moon-Pluto clash can aggravate problems with commitment or responsibility, especially in relationships. That's because the Moon is in Libra, which rules "relating," while ... read more

Divorce is Not an Option

About 40% of marriages end in divorce, so it's amazing that the institution hasn't gone out of style! Couples continue to tie the knot around the world. Newlyweds continue to have total faith that their ... read more

Valuable Sex Requests

Couples who talk about sex have better sex. Whether what you want in the bedroom is veritably vanilla or downright dirty, you owe it to yourself and your partner to ask for what you want. Life is just too ... read more
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