Give Thanks To Your Lover

We sometimes overlook the things that are right in front of our face! Think about it, do you write your lover a thank you card for every little Tiffany blue box you're presented with? Probably not. But you ... read more

Break Up and Make Up!

As Venus squares Mars today, the bad news is you're going to be genuinely irritated, irritable and pretty vocal about it. Think of the proverbial "cat on a hot tin roof" (back arched with pent up energy, ... read more

Perfect Seduction by Sign

Spoil your love for an evening or help them celebrate a birthday or a special event in the perfect romantic setting designed to appeal specifically to their senses. You can set the mood, the table, select ... read more

Enlightened Sex Tips

The most important difference between sex and spiritual sex is intention. Enlightened intercourse is still physically pleasurable but it's so much more - you get to connect with your partner on an ... read more
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