Do You Value You?

It's easy to say that you value yourself. After all, your self-esteem is pretty solid. You know that you're smart, capable and loveable... You may even think you're pretty terrific (and let's face it, you ... read more

Exit Your Comfort Zone

It's easy to become a creature of habit, favoring the same foods, styles, music or friends for years until we've fallen into a predictable rut. You may be comfortable this way - ordering the same items ... read more

What Lies Beneath

Underneath the "reality" that your senses have been trained to focus on since birth, there is more. Whether you call it energy, resonance, God, love, intelligence or pea soup, there is undoubtedly a shared ... read more

Warning Signs

How many times have you heard a voice in your head warn you away from something bad just before it happens? It could be something as minor as cutting yourself while peeling an apple or as major as marrying ... read more

Spiritual Awakenings

What is a spiritual awakening? Some call it an epiphany, a mystical or religious experience. Others describe it as an altered state of consciousnesses, an "a-ha" moment or a flash of enlightenment. But one ... read more

Meditate For Joy

The benefits of meditation have been proven again and again. Stress reduction, increased ability to focus, weight maintenance, even help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome! What more could you ask from an ... read more

Enlighten Up!

Once a year - on either February 8 or February 15 (depending on cultural preference), Buddhists around the world celebrate Parinnirvana Day. It is a commemoration of the moment at which Buddha left his ... read more

Natural Survival Kit

It's that time of year again! We bundle ourselves against the cold and then enter warm office buildings that have been practically hermetically sealed against the elements. Windows that open to allow warm ... read more

Your Balancing Act

One of the great challenges of contemporary life is maintaining a balance between personal space and time, and the demands of public and private life. With the ever-increasing advantages new technology ... read more
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