Mind Over Madness

We all want the holidays to be enjoyable, relaxing and a little indulgent, but sometimes the stress of having to do so much in a short amount of time sends us over the brink. We often feel pressured to do ... read more

The 12 Days of Gratitude

Our California Psychics believe that living with gratitude makes life, richer, fuller and much more abundant. Hence, in the spirit of giving and receiving, we're celebrating the 12 days "before" Christmas ... read more

Ask For Help

Why is asking for help so difficult? We need assistance but we just don't reach out. Instead we choose to suffer alone. With individualism running amok, one in four people say they have absolutely no one ... read more

No More Obsessive Thoughts!

Most of us have at one time or another been stuck in an endless loop of obsessive thoughts or feelings - not the clinical version of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but just the plain old kind of obsession ... read more

Detox Energy

Have you ever noticed that there are certain people - co-workers, relatives, friend - who are like happiness leeches, sucking you dry of your energy with their bad vibes and, in turn, showering you with ... read more
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