A Mini Mind Spa

You're stressed, you're angry, you're overwhelmed, you're always feeling a "Calgon, take me away" moment is in order. As much as you'd love to go to that posh spa your friends have been telling you about, ... read more

Give Yourself a Break!

Is your to do list so long you never seem to get to the bottom of it? Do you repeatedly beat yourself up for not being able to accomplish everything you set out to do each day... week... month? Are you ... read more

Ego Wrangling

You know the types: The swell-headed "geniuses" who believe the world revolves solely around them... the friend whom you've dubbed "Mimi" because all she talks about it is me, me and more me... the ... read more

Who Needs Approval?

We've all gotten that icky feeling that someone (or a group of someones) we know, or barely know, just doesn't like us. You can pick it up from a look, an attitude and some will just say it to our face. ... read more

Have an Opinion

We can all take a cue from singer Sheryl Crow. After recovering from breast cancer in 2006, the survivor reclaimed her life by becoming more of an activist about matters that were close to her heart, such ... read more

Fall in Love With Exercise

If you've ever had a time of optimal health, you know what it feels like to be in love with exercise. Maybe you were playing on a great team for your favorite sport, or had a particularly long run on a new ... read more

Your Sacred Altar

Summertime, as a time of abundance and sunlight, is the perfect time to spruce up (or build) an altar. What better way to focus your intentions and express your gratitude than to create a sacred space in ... read more

Just Sleep On It!

No doubt you've heard the old adage "never go to bed angry." Whether applied to an argument with a lover or a spat with your best friend, this particular (and very popular) bit of folklore advises us to ... read more

Things Not to Worry About

There's no denying these are tough economic times. Whether it's corporate giants going belly up (and getting bailed out) or your hard earned paycheck catching light at the gas station, financial woes - big ... read more
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