Transformational Books

This fall, one exceptional way to tap into transformational inspiration is through books. Reading is one of the few quiet pleasures left in this mad world and now that the weather is getting cooler, ... read more

Bust Through Burn Out

Think about the pressure we put on ourselves to fill our fabulous lives with friends and family, making our homes both a sanctuary and a functional living space and, oh yes, an impressive career punctuated ... read more

Rein In Your Emotions

Is there anything more powerful than an explosion of emotion in the human heart? From the elation of love's first quickening to the fury of being cut off on the highway, the fever of the chemical ... read more

Loss of a Pet

People love their pets. Sometimes, we like our critters more than most people. They don't lie or cheat, they have no hidden motives. They just love us with an innocence and purity that has to be ... read more

Improve Your Karma

Even if you're not afraid of being reincarnated as a dung beetle for your misdeeds in this life, you can still benefit from improving your karma. Having peace of mind at the end of the day - knowing that ... read more

Aromatherapy and You

In the beginning, oils and scents (a.k.a. aromatherapy) were used to anoint kings, queens and holy men. In fact, priests may have been the first to market them! Today, the healing properties of essential ... read more

Sense and Sensitivity

Do busy, noisy environments easily overwhelm you? Do you often need to take refuge in a quiet place or a darkened room? Do you react emotionally to music and art? Do you purposely avoid violent movies or ... read more

Fear Factor

From the time we are little, we experience fear ("Mommy, don't turn the lights out!"). Even before there are words to express it, fear is there. Take for instance a mother who jets out of the house for a ... read more
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