
Acupuncture, which comes from the Latin words acus meaning needle and pungere meaning prick, is better known as needle therapy. Yup, that's right... needles! I know, many of you recoil at ... read more

A Fear Free Life

Are you ruled by your fears? Are the boundaries of your world, your possibilities and your dreams hemmed in by your fears? If your fear is keeping you from living a full life, it's time to get serious and ... read more

Stop the Stuffing!

Whatever you're planning this holiday, it's probably not packing on a few extra pounds. Yet that's what 46% of Americans do this time of year, and it's easy to see why. Somewhere in the spirit of ... read more

Time Out For You

You devote so much to your friends, family and career that you might have lost sight of the most important person in your life: you. Here are our top tips for setting aside some important alone time to ... read more

Become a Morning Person

Time flies, we say. But does it? If you really think about it, time doesn't just drift away or wing off into the sunset without us. Each and every day, we choose how we spend our time, and our choices help ... read more

Mid-Month Meditation

When was the last time you did something purely for your own pleasure? When was the last time that you were deliciously, happily and healthily self-indulgent? If you can't even remember the last time you ... read more

5 Cities for Fall

The slow pace of summer has come and gone, and now the fast-paced flurry of the winter holidays is just around the corner. But there's still time to take break and enjoy the beauty and wonder of fall, ... read more

Appropriate Anger

There's nothing wrong with anger. In fact, it's a natural emotion that can be healthy when it alerts us that something is "off," and needs to be tended to. To deny your emotions can only cause more ... read more
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