My Reading With Michael

On paper, I had every reason to panic! It was my 35th birthday and for the last six months I would wake up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding in my chest, "Where is my husband? Where is our ... read more

Your Karma Revealed

The North and South Nodes in astrology are windows into your past lives, your potential in this life, and the nature and purpose of your karmic relationships. Also known as the Dragon's Head (North Node) ... read more

Have a Backup Plan

Have you ever seen those Worst Case Scenario... books that tell you what to do if, say, the boat you're on capsizes or your wallet is stolen while in a foreign country? While those instances may ... read more

Time to Live Your Dreams

The New Moon in Capricorn on December 27, 2008 launches a concentrated dose of practical energy this week - and beyond - that has the potential to empower your life in a very real way. Joining the New Moon ... read more
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