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The World Card

The World card is the last card of the Major Arcana.

In my spreads, the World card represents the end of the story. In Tarot there are many cards that indicate endings, but I see these as ... read more
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Ask Your Spirit Guide

My 12 year old was sleeping in my bed... She started talking in her sleep, as she does quite often. She was talking in a different language/tongue! What does this mean? read more
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Scorpion Compatibility

Few are prepared for entanglement with the Scorpion, yet many will succumb to their irresistible allure. Once stung, lovers will find Scorpio leads them on a journey beyond the limits of passion. This may ... read more

One Less Glass Ceiling

On this day in 2000, Hillary Clinton became the first First Lady elected to the Senate (or any higher office). Having since been appointed Secretary of State (after becoming the first serious female ... read more

Spiritual vs. Mechanical Sex

The differences between spiritual and mechanical sex have been addressed in several recent relationship studies, and the same questions usually arise. Where do most people sit on the spectrum, how does it ... read more
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