Love Worth Waiting For

Have you ever been in a romantic situation that inspires the well meaning people around you to continuously moan, "Give up," "You're wasting your time," or "They're just not into you!" Yet a voice deep ... read more

Saturn Opposes Uranus

An explosive Saturn-Uranus opposition that shook financial markets in November 2008 and in March 2009 comes back for an encore this month, and will continue periodically through next summer. On a ... read more

Venus Opposes Neptune

Today's Venus-Neptune opposition makes romance dreamy, but can cloud your judgment in relationships. After all, Neptune is the planet of both idealism and illusion. It can prompt you to place your sweetie ... read more

Break a Bad Habit

We've all acquired bad habits along our life journeys - everyone has some custom of body, mind or emotion that challenges them. Whether it's smoking, staying in an unhealthy relationship, eating or ... read more
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Ask Your Spirit Guide

I feel as though I am just passing through this life rather than living it. A lot of that has to do with my childhood. I've always felt apart from the people around me. My mother was unstable and ... read more
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Hung Out to Dry?

In Tarot, the 12th card of the Major Arcana is The Hanged Man. Sounds pretty grim, huh? Perhaps you should shift your perspective - which is exactly what drawing this card means! Symbolizing the need for ... read more
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