Your Day, Your Choice

You wake up on the crabby side of the bed, you bump into the ex that dumped you on Facebook, and your mailbox is overstuffed with past due bills. On the surface any or all of this could make for a bad ... read more
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Ask Your Spirit Guide

Do you believe that people that have bad intentions or bad spirits guiding them, bring their darkness with them into your home? My husband's mother is a very dark, jealous, untrusting, injured, hurt, ... read more

Practical Mysticism

What does it mean to be spiritual, really? Do you need to burn sage, chant, wear white robes, eat lots of greens and abstain from sex? Of course not! How about spiritual growth? Do you need to ... read more

The Art of Mindful Walking

Taking a walk to clear your head - putting some distance between you and the things that are stressing you out, at home or at work - even if it's just a quick jog around the block, is a simple way to ease ... read more

The Lovers

In Tarot, the 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers. Usually depicting two people in a passionate embrace, this card can signal several things in a reading. On the upside, new love (or hot sex!) might ... read more

The Virgo Woman

Unmistakably sharp and intelligent, the Virgo woman can turn the worst chaos into complete order with little more than a thought. She's the zodiac's organizer. Sound boring? Hardly. This femme fatale ... read more
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