September 2009 Forecast

Change is in the air. Again! The Saturn-Uranus opposition that sent us on a roller coaster ride last fall and earlier this year - especially in the crash-and-burn of financial institutions - returns for an ... read more

Liberation With Education

Have you ever thought about going back to school? At some point, many of us contemplate furthering our educations. Some of us may toy with the idea of taking random classes to satisfy our curiosity, while ... read more
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Ask Your Spirit Guide

I am an author of two bestselling biographies. For almost six years I have been trying to locate either a publisher or an agent in order to have my first work of fiction published. Almost every one I ... read more
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Guardian Angels vs. Spirit Guides

There is a big difference (to me) between Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. First, Guardian Angels have never been in physical form, having never gone through the birthing process as we know it. Spirit ... read more
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