Elephant in the Bedroom

When the fantasy of a good night's sleep becomes more appealing (or at least less energy-consuming) than the prospect of a mind-blowing orgasm, you're in a sexual slump. Trouble is, you can't afford to let ... read more

Ghost Month

Similar to Halloween and Dia de los Muertos in North America, Chinese, Tawainese and Buddhist traditions have a "Ghost Month," which takes place in the seventh lunar month. During Ghost Month (in August), ... read more

Manage Your Moods

Are your friends as stressed out as you are lately? Well, you're not alone. Web M.D. reports that 30% of Americans are losing sleep because of personal finances, job fears and the economy. CNN cited a ... read more

Messages From Mediums

The gift of being a Medium gives our psychics a fascinating look into the world of their callers. They can connect to the other side to bring you messages from loved ones passed, guides and guardians - ... read more

New Moon in Leo

Whether you're attached or solo, get ready for a romantic tidal wave from the New Moon in Leo on August 20, 2009. During the next two weeks or so, love will be the cosmic focus because Leo rules the heart. ... read more

Cosmic Band Chemistry

Amazing sexual and creative chemistry mark the relationships within the classic rock band Fleetwood Mac. Where does this magic come from? Astrological comparisons of band members Stevie Nicks and Lindsey ... read more
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