The Power of Destiny

"Yes, we create our reality but there is no doubt that there are higher powers at work and that there is such a thing as destiny. There are no what ifs," according to our California Psychics, who ... read more

How to Own Your Life

Are you happy? Do you embrace life each morning in anticipation of how the day will unfold, or do you find yourself going through a doom-and-gloom checklist of what you will have to endure? ... read more

The Fool Card

The Tarot is divided into two sections: Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana starts with The Fool, which has no number. The Fool represents new beginnings. Most representations of this card are of a ... read more

The Lion’s Wardrobe

If there's a sign with a penchant for panache, it's Leo. These scene-stealers are usually spotted in the latest fashions - or perfectly cut classics that display a bit of daring (after all, classic can ... read more
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Sexy Staycations

Summer may be winding down, but you can still fire it up between the sheets with a sexy stay-cation. After all, even if money is tight, you don't have to scrimp on satisfaction! These tips for fanning the ... read more

Elephant in the Bedroom

When the fantasy of a good night's sleep becomes more appealing (or at least less energy-consuming) than the prospect of a mind-blowing orgasm, you're in a sexual slump. Trouble is, you can't afford to let ... read more
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