Choose To Be Happy!

When trouble strikes or we fall upon difficult circumstances, we can still make decisions as to how we will chose to live with our new life circumstances. Do we look at the situation as something that has ... read more


It seems like such a noble goal... to be perfect. After all, who doesn't want to do their best? The catch is, there's a big difference between pushing yourself in order to excel - and striving for that ... read more

Ask Your Spirit Guide

I have had my own business for five years, it never did get off the ground. I am in tremendous debt because of it. My business partner and I have decided to close the business. She is broke, so the ... read more

The Art of Harmony

Some people find harmony by striding down a crowded, bustling urban street, hammering out a deal on their Blackberry. For others harmony is found in silence, space, big trees and solitude. Harmony happens ... read more
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