Twin Forces at Work

This month's Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, which expands and illuminates your vision for the future, peaks over the next few days. Ask yourself if it's time to take some steps to realize a dream close to ... read more

A Secret Life

We were surprised to find out that many callers to lead secret lives, and others are the "secret" in someone else's life. Our psychics tell us the majority of their clients who have ... read more

Summer Soul Makeover

Summer is the perfect time of year to enhance your soul. The nourishing aspects of the season's warmth, long hours and beauty can inspire a spiritual connection to everyday activities. Plus, you can enjoy ... read more

Moon in Aquarius

Today's Moon in Aquarius energizes gatherings with friends and other group activities. This influence can also inspire your social consciousness, so perhaps it's time to get involved in your community, or ... read more
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