Dog Days of Summer

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the start of the dog days of summer - literally! While most people think it's just a colloquialism, the term "dog days" was actually coined by the ... read more

Managed Expectations

So we've all been there, expecting the best in a situation and when it doesn't pan out, we mop up the remains - defeated. Or maybe you're one of the gifted few who never expects anything and instead ... read more

July 2009 Forecast

The big cosmic event this month is Uranus turning retrograde on July 1, 2009 for five months. Uranus rules rebellion and change, while retrogrades illuminate your inner life. Put the two together, and ... read more

Love on Fire

If you've ever completely lost your heart and head in a steamy, secret love affair - a liaison that your practical side knew you never should have gotten involved in - you'll relate to this story about ... read more
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