The Devil Card

The fifteenth day of the month is ruled by the Devil card, the fifteenth card of the Tarot. But don't despair, the Devil in this case doesn't represent evil! If the Devil is drawn in a Tarot spread, it ... read more
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Ask Your Spirit Guide

A while back, in the middle of winter, actually, for several days in a row, I found a ladybug either right on my clothing or right near me while I was busy doing something. This occurred in different ... read more

Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury enters talkative Gemini today, which favors communications, travel and multitasking, especially if you're a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. In relationships, this influence can inspire some lively ... read more

DreamCast: A Funeral

My friend (who I want to marry) and I were at a funeral, sitting in the pews. We were talking, along with everyone else, but we didn't know anyone there. The casket was brown and closed. I remember feeling ... read more

Why Routines Rock

It may seem like being footloose and fancy-free 24/7 would be liberating - after all, who hasn't dreamt of what they'd do with all the time and money in the world? But in reality, lack of structure usually ... read more

Love South American Style

Today, Brazilians celebrate Dia dos Namorados (translation: Day of the Lovers). Like Valentine's Day (but with a lot more southern hemisphere spice), the holiday commemorates romantic relationships. But if ... read more
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