Your New Direction!

If you're experiencing discontent, unhappiness, tension and anxiety (who isn't these days?), exercising your creativity is a perfect outlet for uncomfortable emotions. When you engage creatively, you ... read more

The Twins Revealed

People born under the sign of Gemini are known as the Twins, and it's no coincidence that unlike other sign's symbols, there are two of them! Geminis are known for their duplicitous (some would say ... read more

Let’s Stay Together!

It seems like everyone is breaking up! Move-outs, divorces, bust-ups are everywhere. But if you look past the people throwing plates across the kitchen, perhaps right next door - there are plenty of ... read more
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Genuine Love

Love is often hard to find and can be scary to embrace. But, that isn't enough to stop most of us from hoping to find a genuine love that is lasting and true. So, when your heart is all a-flutter and ... read more
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